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Black Soldier Fly Larvae Slurry

Black soldier fly larvae slurry is another pioneering product of Bioforte Biotechnology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. in the application field of black soldier fly; black soldier fly larvae slurry is made from 100% fresh Black soldier fly larvae through cleaning, grinding, enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation.

All indexes of black soldier fly larvae slurry met the hygienic standard of feed. The processed black soldier fly larvae slurry can maintain the biological activities of proteins, small peptides, amino acids, essential fatty acids and organic calcium in the larvae of 

black soldier fly to the greatest extent.

This product can be stored at room temperature for a long time without being decomposed or oxidized by microorganisms. This product is suitable for aquaculture and has the effects of supplementing protein, energy and minerals and regulating the immunity of aquatic animals.

1. Instructions:

① Cultivation of hydroponic insects before seedling:

At the head of the fish and shrimp pond, 2-3 days before the water is released, the insect slurry is mixed with molasses and bacterial liquid (acid), stirred and fermented for 2 hours, and then poured into the pond for use (2kg/mu).

After seedlings, start adding feeding according to 1% of the weight of the seedlings, increasing by 1% to 8% every day. It needs to be used with other products for watering or mixing.

This product is only used as a bait supplement and anti-stress regulator.

②  Early stage of fish fry and shrimp fry:

During the sample seedling period, please determine the amount of use according to the fat and weight of the water body. 5%-10% of the feed (or ice worm) replacement amount, reduce usage if water is nutrious and vice versa. Pay attention when using, let it last for 30 minutes after mixing the material before feeding.

     The main function of this product during this period is to replenish high-quality protein and improve immunity.

③ Adult fish and shrimp:

     Adult fish and shrimp are added at 5%-15% of the weight of each meal and used as a mixture. After 7 days of continuous use, observe the changes in the intestines, feed intake and shrimp shells, and adjust the amount of usage.

④ Special circumstances:

     In the late stage of adult fish, prawns or seedlings, if you encounter group stress response, you can use it with other products to splash water to quickly replenish group energy and reduce stress response.

It is recommended to use it for three consecutive days and add it according to the feeding amount of 8% of the feed amount.

2. Shelf life: twelve months

3. Storage: Dry, cool, ventilated place to prevent rodents, insect pests and other creatures.

4. Ingredients:

Crude protein ≥12.1%;            

Crude fat ≥8.4%;

pH 3.5-4.0;

Methionine 0.45%;

Lysine 1.21%;

Lead <4ppm;    

Arsenic <0.067ppm;

Mercury <0.09ppm.